What Fantasy Sports Taught Me About Writing

Eight takeaways for writers pursuing their creative dreams

Diona L. Reeves


Photo by Matthew Fournier on Unsplash

What on earth does fantasy hockey have to do with writing?

A lot, actually.

But before I jump into that, let me provide a little backstory.

Mention fantasy league, and most people think of the NFL. But hockey is where it’s at for my family.

It was no surprise, then, that we started a fantasy league this year. My daughter and I were relative newbies to the sport, but we were also quick learners. Our understanding of the game improved almost immediately, as I helped coach a high school rec team and many meal-time conversations centered on rosters, team stats, and which players were injured or out for a game.

I didn’t expect much from this experience, least of all insight into my freelance writing career. Our league was primarily something to do as a family, a last hurrah before my oldest heads off to college in the fall. The first night was as disastrous as I expected. I didn’t know enough to make educated decisions about what I needed to tweak in my approach, so I went to bed, figuring I’d be lucky to win a single week. Six months later, here I am as the winner, with a whopping 20–3–0 record.



Diona L. Reeves

Thrives on being nicheless! Writes about life lessons, creativity, organization, and more.