Lessons Learned with Vocal

What I observed today with my first post

Diona L. Reeves
4 min readOct 25, 2021


My first impressions of Vocal| Photo courtesy of Diona L. Reeves
My first impressions of Vocal| Photo courtesy of the author

I’ve seen a lot of content in my feed about Vocal. I glanced at the platform last week, read a few more articles, and decided today to give it a try. As much as I enjoy the Medium platform, certain topics just do not get the traction I’m looking for here, so I figured, why not take advantage of a different audience and see how my writing fared there.

This post is the first of several I’m planning to share, detailing my experience during sign-up and my first article submission. Several Medium writers have shared their opinions on why writers should or should not join Vocal. My goal with this article is to provide details about my experience so anyone considering joining knows what to expect. I hope it will be helpful as you decide whether to extend your writing efforts to Vocal.

Sign-up Process

The actual sign-up for Vocal was simple, and thanks to an article by Kirsty Kendall, I got a deal on the first three months. I debated about whether to sign up for a year, calculating a $25 discount over the month-to-month approach, but opted for a short-term investment to start. I’m not sure I want to maintain two platforms, nor is there any guarantee I will find success on Vocal. If this venture ends up being worthwhile, I figure the extra money won’t be that big…



Diona L. Reeves

Thrives on being nicheless! Writes about life lessons, creativity, organization, and more.