Improve Your Writing Productivity

It’s as simple as identifying what works for you

Diona L. Reeves


Photo by Tai Jyun Chang on Unsplash

You know what they say about good intentions, right?

My “good intention” for a full-time writing career is capturing ideas and thoughts in a system for future inspiration.

If I need an idea for a pitch request on Twitter, I can just reference my anecdote file. Or, better yet, open my custom Notion databases, which integrate content ideas and market info into topic-specific tables.

I worked on these systems for hours, convinced that establishing a viable process would help me be more prolific.

What an absolute waste of time! You can’t bottle inspiration. It’s either there or it isn’t, and trying to make the act of writing a formal affair stripped the enjoyment from my daily efforts.

The funny thing about writing for a living is that you actually have to do it. Systems serve their purpose, but only if they help, not hinder, your efforts. The key to being a productive writer is learning the difference for yourself.

I love the idea of capturing processes and workflows, but the truth is, I don’t operate well within the systems I so diligently create. Not in the creative space, anyway. I was eerily good at channeling structure and process when I managed others…



Diona L. Reeves

Thrives on being nicheless! Writes about life lessons, creativity, organization, and more.