Have You Tried Writing in Bursts?

If writing on a schedule doesn’t work, try this approach instead

Diona L. Reeves


Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

“You will be amazed at what you can achieve in a focused twenty-five minute burst.”

This quote from Sarah R. Painter in Stop Worrying; Start Selling could be the mantra for anyone who struggles with the linear approach to writing.

Like fireworks, our thoughts often come in bursts, kicking off one after the other as they light up our brains with electricity.

Some people call this freewriting, but I prefer the burst visual because it represents the chaotic splendor of a creative brain.

Writing in bursts doesn’t negate the need to polish, edit, and publish. You still have to show up and finish what you start. (A fact I remind myself of daily.)

But trying to corral your creativity into a single moment dictated by your calendar or your clock is a recipe for procrastination. Worse, the writing can come across as forced or trite.

Why not run with your creative jags instead?

1 — There’s less struggle to find a starting point.

I can’t think of a better way to eliminate the “What do I write about now?” dilemma. When you write in bursts, you open the floodgates to your creative self.



Diona L. Reeves

Thrives on being nicheless! Writes about life lessons, creativity, organization, and more.