5 Self-Publishing Lessons in 2023

Takeaways from publishing my first novel

Diona L. Reeves


The Prescott Diaries | Art designed by Donna Dean

It took far longer than I intended, but my first novel is finally available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and other retailers. I’m even on Goodreads. Yay!

While one book certainly does not make me an expert at self-publishing, I did learn a few things.

1 — Your early readers help in ways you might not expect.

Three people read my manuscript and shared their thoughts before I published it. But even more than their input on the storyline, I appreciated their perspective on genre and back cover text since I was too close to it to be objective. I am immensely grateful to these readers and hope they are open to reading my next book, scheduled for late spring/early summer. =)

2 — You can have a beautiful cover without breaking the bank.

The moment I saw my cover, I knew it was the one I wanted. But it took months for me to get to that point. Thankfully, I found a designer who was affordable and easy to work with, and I absolutely love the way the cover turned out. (If you are considering hiring a designer, drop me a private note, and I will share her info.)

3 — Being professional is key.



Diona L. Reeves

Thrives on being nicheless! Writes about life lessons, creativity, organization, and more.